What You Don’t Know About Andarine

Andarine (S4) is what they call a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, otherwise known as a SARM. It was designed especially to help treat diseases, mainly muscle-wasting conditions. Because it’s known to be a SARM, S4 is considered to be among the stronger compounds. You may experience dramatic results in a brief time frame. It’s widely used by athletes, including bodybuilders since it is so extremely strong.

But what they are not telling you is that Andarine is being researched. All research on S4 has been completely abandoned, even though various sources report that this SARM had positive results.


This SARM works by binding to androgen receptors. The androgen receptors play an essential role when it comes to building muscle tissue. Andarine has been through human trials. No studies were published. There’s some limited information available, which indicates that S4 was described as the perfect SARM. That was mainly because:

  • Single daily dosing
  • Total oral bioavailability
  • Anabolic bone and muscle effects

It’s also worth mentioning that S4 is a partional agonist. Some say it’s thought of as poorer than other SARMs because it’s only a partional agonist of the androgen receptor. But trust me, that is not the case.


The excellent thing about Andarine is that it is very effective at low dosages. Within only a couple of weeks, you’ll be making good results due to its high bioavailability. Because of the high effects, you can experience side effects. Mainly the strength of the SARM will affect bone and muscle tissue. You can expect Andarine to help you put on a great deal of lean muscle mass. That’s right, when experimenting with this SARM you won’t be experiencing any water retention or bloat.

Another benefit you’ll get from researching with this selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) is a substantial boost in strength. After about 2 weeks into your study, you’ll begin beating records in the fitness center.


For bulking, users often choose to stack Andarine with LGD-4033 to get plenty of muscle mass in a short period. Anecdotal experiences tell us that 25-50mg of Andarine and 5-10mg of Ligandrol seems sufficient. When you have a caloric deficit and you wish to protect your muscle mass, a fantastic combo would be Andarine and Ostarine (MK-2866). Some researchers will also choose to add in Cardarine to boost endurance. You’ll also read logs of users combining steroidal compounds such as Trenbolone with S4. At low dosages, steroid users commented that it had a massive effect on their physique. I’m not a big fan of stacking SARMs together. There is not any information available on stacking them. It’s also an option to stack it with MK677.


Both of these SARMs are often compared to each other. When comparing Andarine or Ostarine, it’s quite difficult to say that one is the better option. Ostarine is thought of as very effective for recording and cutting, it is also used to help treat injuries. It can put on size but is not as powerful as S4. It used to increase strength and muscle mass when we take a look in S4. But when we compare it will appear to have side effects. Both SARMs have their own set of benefits, so it pretty much comes down to personal taste.


You won’t have to think about any side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention or baldness. However, it is not free from side effects. Andarine appears to have a different mechanism than most SARMs. This selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) seems to also bind to the receptors in the eyes.

What does this mean? It will affect your vision. Users have reported a slight yellow tint. Not everyone experiences this, but most appear to experience it during the night. I have researched with Andarine and did encounter the yellow vision side effect. I started becoming much more sensitive to light once I upped the dosage, although at 25mg I did not notice much. My night vision was significantly impacted which made it hard to see at night. Keep in mind that this side effect is dose-dependent and it’s only. Your eyesight appears to return to normal, As soon as you discontinue S4.

Your natural hormone system may also be suppressed when using Andarine. This occurs with each SARM. To present your testosterone levels a boost after a cycle make sure to use a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

Keep in mind that Andarine is still regarded as a research chemical and long-term side effects are unknown.


This SARM shines at dosages that are low to moderate. Because Andarine has very high anabolic activity, you won’t have to experiment with a high dose. Most users will research with anywhere from 25 to 75mg per day. It is recommended to split your dosage to get the most from your dosage. It is said to be around 4-6 hours, although we don’t know the specific half-life. This means it should be dividing up 3 doses a day.

If you want my opinion about the dosage that is best, I wouldn’t exceed the recommended dose of 50mg a day. The sweet spot for researchers seems to be 25 to 50mg.

In case you didn’t know, there also is a sports drug test for Andarine available.


Most users feel the effects of Andarine within a few weeks. It is said to be very comparable to Winstrol or Anavar, which are oral steroids. This SARM did exactly what it was supposed to do. I lost 7 pounds of fat whilst gaining a small amount of muscle mass and ran 50mg. I was also more vascular whilst researching with S4. I did experience some side effects, but they went away once I was done with my cycle

Since you can see this chemical may be used for goals such as bulking or cutting. It is going to help you preserve muscle mass and possibly even gain some like this user when cutting. Andarine made me put on 8lbs of muscle mass, it is a SARM compared to others. I had been in a surplus and 50mg was more than plenty. You will often see users experiment with this compound to gain strength and muscle mass. This is where it shines.


I have experimented a while back. My cycle started at 25mg per day, which I then upped the following two weeks to 50mg. I started noticing the effects such as strength and increased vascularity.

My cycle ended up roughly 8 weeks lasting and I gained about 6-7lbs of muscle mass that’s extremely impressive. Experienced no suppression a tint to my vision that went away after I was done. Comparing it to others I’ve used, I’d say it’s one of the ones. However, it isn’t as powerful as Testolone. You do not have a high dosage to experiment because it is quite potent.